021: Lee Has a NYC Moment with a Fashion Stylist and Shares His Tips

Lee becomes besties with a fashion stylist, Stephen – with a “P-H” while at dinner last Friday night in what can only be described as a “New York Moment.” You know, a moment in time where you become best friends with a stranger you run into for oh, say, about 20 minutes, before you then go on with your lives.

Lee shares what Stephen, the stylist, tells her to change to pass on some words of wisdom to you.

Join her, won’t you?

The House of Lee NYC is now available at iHeartRadio, Apple Casts/iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and your favorite podcast app. Also, if Lee has made your day a little better, please leave a review at iTunes – you know, when you have a moment. (Just click on the Apple Casts link above.)

Please subscribe – and if you have a question or comment either for lee or the show, email it to: lee @ wleefm.com or call at (212) 6 5 5 – 9 8 4 0. Lee can also be found on Facebook and Instagram.